Author Pam Dingee & Mercy

Posted by Unknown
Hi all!

Please help me welcome Author Pam Dingee to my blog today!

Here's my interview with her:
What is your name? Do you use a pen name (if so, why?)?
Pam DingĂ©e  J

Tell me a bit about yourself:  
 I’m in love with love, just the absolute idea of it and I don’t think I’ll ever write something that doesn't have anything to do with a love story.

What type of genre do you write?
Romance.  I have a hard time putting it into a sub-genre box though. YA? NA? I don’t know, I think Mercy is a mix of both. 

What genre to you personally read?
I like to read any love story that includes a bad-boy or rebel (he he), young adult because I’m immature, and some vampires sprinkled in there.

Tell me about your latest
Mercy is a love story, but it’s more complicated that because my heroine is going through a divorce with Dick (yes his name has two meanings) and her father died a few months ago and Eden is just trying to be happy.  She’s hoping to love and trust again although she isn’t quite sure how to go about it and Eden is ever doubtful of her own worth because she’s been hurt.
But then … my bad-boy Dom comes into the picture.  He is her best-friend’s goofy, ever-the-player brother, but he just may be her saviour too.
Mercy is a sweet and funny love story.

What sparked your passion for books and the art of a good story?
Oh man, I think it was a lot of things.  Me going back to school for my Associate’s and reading history books (LOVE history) plus friends giving me books and forcing me to read them  … and then me absolutely falling in love with them.

Is there a particular book that changed or affected your life in a big way?  
My favorite book is the Time Traveller’s Wife because it is such an epic love story and it made me feel so many different things.  It made me cry and I hate crying, but I happily cried for his book.  Plus, who wouldn’t want to do it with a younger version of your husband who is time-travelling from the past. Sign me up!

Is there a message in your book that you want readers to grasp?
Love conquers all.

What challenges have you faced in your writing career?
I had no idea there was so much promoting and marketing and work involved AFTER I wrote the book.  But I’ve never loved something enough to make me want to do all the extra work involved like I do with writing.

What has been your best moment as a writer?
Just finishing it and pressing the publish button was amazing to me.  Just the coolest feeling.  Boop!

Who is your author idol?  
I don’t know that I have an idol, I think we all have our own style and stories and we portray them in the best way we deem possible.

Do you see yourself in any of your characters?
I see myself in all my characters in one way or another, since I have to put myself in their shoes.   Unless it’s a naughty villain; then it’s my evil twin!

Do you feel like your dream has come true or is there much more to do?
I accomplished one of my goals by finishing and putting my book out into the world, but I have lots more books half on paper, half floating in my head.

What does your workspace look like?
I don’t have an official one.  When my kids are in school I sit at my kitchen island and hunker down for a few hours.  Otherwise I write in bed or chillin on the couch.

Have you ever had a day when you just wanted to quit?
Nope, for the first time in my life I can’t give up and I won’t.

What do you do when you’re not writing?
I cook, clean, drive children around, listen to lots of music, and drink lots of green hippie juice.

What are the most important attributes to remaining sane as a writer?
I think we just have to have perspective.  There’s the ‘me’ that creates and the ‘me’ that pimps the creative me out to the world.  Plus, I think we must be a little insane to put our inner thoughts out there and be okay with that and the criticism that comes with it.

Did you have a moment when you realized you were meant to be a writer?
When the story of Mercy wouldn’t let me go and I had to write it I really just hoped that I could do this for the rest of my life, cause it’s so fun.

What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
Just don’t give up, keep trudging along even if you feel like you’re stuck in the mud.  Being creative is a gift and you should give it to the world.

After this book, what is next?
Light is my next book, yes another love story.  It is situated in the same setting (Las Vegas), but different friends and acquaintances.  My hero and heroine have known each other forever, but they have a very strong love-hate relationship and we will get to see them love and fight through it.

Your website?

Your blog?

Other websites?

Where can your book be found?

Please help me thank Pam for joining us today! She's got a special event going on yesterday and today so check out her website for more info and check out her book!

Keep Writing!
Jodie Pierce


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